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Postgraduate Program

School of Public Administration,whose predecessor was Customs Administration Department,was established in 1974 as the only one university that conferred a Bachelor degree in customs administration in the then educational field. After over forty years’ development, the School helps nurture many professional talents in senior public administration as it has set up an integrated discipline development order and a talent development system for students pursuing bachelor, master and PhD degree. To be specific, the Institute offers 4 bachelor programs for undergraduate education,one master program in public administration classified as first-class discipline and one in Master of Public Administration (MPA), and one PhD program in Public Administration under the subject of Public Finance classified as second-class discipline.

The School is based on subjects, for example, economics, management, law and sociology, to vigorously develop cross-disciplinary courses. Currently, the School has four academic departments, namely, Customs Administration Department, Public Administration Department, Department of Public Economics and Public Service Administration, combined with other research institutions such as Customs affairs research center, China Center for Business Association, and Culture and Leisure Industry Research Center.

The School recruits 45 faculties, including 4 doctoral supervisors, 12 professors, 19 associate professors, and more than 10 part-time professors and foreign experts. Mr. Zhou Wenzhong, who was the former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Chinese ambassador extraordinary to the United States, and is now the current Boao Forum Secretary-General, served as the honorary dean. Over the past five years, faculties have presided over or undertaken about 100 national and provincial research projects, published 600 high level academic articles, some 10 research reports, and 60 monographs, textbooks, reference books.

Master education in School of Public Administration can be divided into 6 majors, namely, public administration, customs administration, public economic management, educational economy and management, cultural industry management, and social security.

Training Subjects of Full-Time Specialized Master Program

Public administration major (Two-year master of management)

This major aims to develop cross-disciplinary and practice-oriented senior administrative talents with all-round development, good command of theories on modern public administration and government economy, public policy qualities, a wealth of management knowledge and vision, capacity in using modern analysis methods and techniques, and therefore are qualified to work in government administration, non-government public institutions, as well as enterprises and institutions engaged in the administration.

Educational economy and management major (Two-year master of management)

This major aims to develop cross-disciplinary and practice-oriented senior administrative talents with all-round development, good command of theories on educational economy and management, and human resource management, public policy qualities, a wealth of management knowledge and vision, capacity in using modern analysis methods and techniques, and therefore are qualified to work in government education and human resource sectors, or engage in education management, personnel training and development, human resources management in some large or medium-sized domestic and foreign-funded enterprises, professional organizations and other types of organizations.

Customs administration major (Two-year master of management)

This major aims to develop cross-disciplinary senior administrative talents with all-round development, sound basis on multidisciplinary theory and method such as economics, management, law, as well as strong knowledge application skills. They are able to adapt to economic globalization, and remain competent in practical work, theoretical research and policy analysis of related fields including customs, foreign trade and logistics in government departments, multinational corporations, professional consulting companies and other types of organizations.

Public economic management major (Two-year master of management)

This major aims to develop cross-disciplinary senior administrative talents with all-round development, excellent command and application ability of theory and method on public economic management, coupled with a cross-disciplinary academic perspective and strong public policy analyzing ability. They are able to adapt to economic globalization, and remain competent in theoretical research, public economic management, and policy analysis in government departments, public institutions, public enterprises, non-public enterprises, non-profit organizations, and so on.

Cultural industry management major (Two-year master of management)

This major aims to develop cross-disciplinary senior administrative talents with all-round development, international perspective, and an equal emphasis on theory and practice. By mastering the basic theory and knowledge on cultural management and leisure management, they are competent in working in higher education institutions, research institutions, cultural administrative departments, public institutions and various non-governmental organizations, cultural enterprises and so on.

Social security major (Two-year master of management)

This major aims to develop compound-applied senior administrative talents with solid economic and management theoretical basis and broad knowledge, relatively strong social adaptiveness, organization practice, and collaborative innovation ability, relatively proficient foreign language skills, adapting to the need of contemporary social and economic development, mastering modern management technology and approach, who can work on labor and social security theory and policy research, labor and social security management, and teaching in state organs and enterprise and public institutions, and develop in an all-round way morally, intellectually and physically.