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The School of Public Administration successfully completed the training course for excellent section chiefs of Huangpu Customs.

Entrusted by the Huangpu Customs Education Office, the school held the training course for excellent section of Huangpu Customs from October 22 to October 28, 2017. Wuhan Customs picked 80 chiefs to participate in the training course.

The School paid great attention to this training project. After communicating with the Wuhan People's Education Office for many times, we customized the training course for the Huangpu Customs. What's more, we invited professors in the related fields inside and outside the school and business experts from General Administration of Customs to join the course. The six-day training course is rich in content and forms. The course is related to the current practice of Chinese customs' law enforcement and supervision such as the introduction of the Chinese Customs' Law Enforcement Cooperation with International customs, cross-border e-commerce and customs supervision, customs valuation rules and case study. It also consists of interpretations of economic policies of taxes closely related to customs operations and trade such as the International Tax Competition and Tax Coordination Course, the Free Trade Zone Strategy and the New Round of Reform and Opening Courses, the Development of Global Value Chains and the Process Trade Bonded Supervision and Risk Management Course. What' more, it includes the tool application classes of Internet and Big Data Customs. As this training class coincided with the 19th National Congress, we also specially invited Mr. Zhang Xiaofeng, the Minister of Party Committee Propaganda Department in the University of International Business and Economics, to interpret the Congress for students and arranged the  on-site course for great achievement exhibition of "Five Years of Sheer Endeavor" outside of the hectic schedules. The wonderful teaching of the instructors, containing active interaction with the students, teaching, seminars, simulation training and case analysis, make the course meet the intended target to let the management knowledge closely integrate with the actual work.  

This training was the second time to cooperate with Huangpu Customs, and the training effect was very prominent. It was highly recognized by the General Administration of Customs, Huangpu Customs and trainees. During the training, the trainees all expressed that the training was highly targeted and of high quality. It opened up their vision and ideas for work, improved their work awareness and level.  Especially, the trainees were deeply proud of that the learning, visiting and practicing of the 19th National Spirit made them the first batch to further study the spirit of the Nineteenth Congress among the Huangpu Customs.  At the same time, Huangpu Customs Education Department and trainees also expressed their gratitude to the college for its meticulous arrangements and meticulous service.