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“Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up and the 2018 Annual Forum on Public Administration” was successfully held by the School of Public Administration

In order to commemorate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up, our School held the 2018 Annual Forum on Public Administration. The forum was about China Customs Reform, and was organized in from of three high-level lectures. Huang Shengqiang, a former member of the Party Group of the General Administration of Customs, Dang Xiaohong, Deputy Director of the Supervision Department of the General Administration of Customs, and Liang Jincheng, Deputy Director of the General Office of General Administration of Customs, were invited as guest speakers, presenting an ideological feast that is high political, broad-minded and professional for the teachers and students of the School.

Professor Huang Shengqiang, former Party member of the General Administration of Customs, former Director of the State Port Office and Head of the Customs Department of Shanghai Customs College, opened the forum with a speech. Professor Huang introduced China's customs since the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee at the background of global tide of customs modernization reform, with the theme speech "Customs Modernization and Comprehensive Deepening Reform", combining his rich experience in customs work. His speech concerns the causes and important fields of the modernization process of customs. Professor Huang Shengqiang emphasized that the modernization of customs is based on the strategy of a more active opening-up to the outside world. He showed us the course of modernization of Chinese customs that has three stages: firstly, the establishment of modern customs system; secondly, strategy of developing modern customs system and the comprehensive deepening of customs reform. Professor Huang Shengqiang selected seven key words in explaining the modernization process of Chinese Customs, including "simplification, intelligence, innovation, fairness, convenience, cooperation and strategy", and explained to us the preliminary results of customs modernization reform one by one. Subsequently, Professor Huang Shengqiang focused on "new rules, new formats, new forms" to introduce strategy and future challenges faced by Chinese customs.

The atmosphere of the final interactive session was quite active. Students enthusiastically expressed their own opinions and asked Professor Huang Shengqiang questions on hot issues of customs inspection and travel inspection. Professor Huang Shengqiang is humorous, and his answer is penetrating and easy to understand. Students not only got useful information but also saw the achievements and endeavor of a generation of graduates from UIBE.

The lecture was presided over by Dean of the School of Public Administration Fan Libo. Before the lecture, a letter of appointment was issued for Professor Huang Shengqiang to be a visiting professor in our School.

On the afternoon of April 15, Dang Xiaohong, Deputy Director of Supervision Department of General Administration of Customs, attended the "Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up and the 2018 Annual Forum of Public Administration" and gave a special lecture themed "Supervision and Clearance System of China Customs" for MPA students of School of Public Administration.

Beginning with introducing the general situation of the organization structure and supervision of General Administration of Customs, Deputy Director Dang Xiaohong introduced the customs clearance mode and historical evolution of Chinese customs from "classified customs clearance", "paperless customs clearance", "integration of regional customs clearance" to "integration of national customs clearance (Three Ones)", around customs clearance operation process of "pre-clearance, in-clearance and post-clearance".


Subsequently, Deputy Director Dang Xiaohong introduced the overall situation of the construction of the logistics monitoring system of the Chinese customs. The framework of the logistics monitoring system was illustrated with pictures and texts. The development direction of the logistics monitoring and command center was clarified. The Internet of Things technology was implemented in order to effectively improve the tracking and controlling ability of goods. In addition, Deputy Director Dang Xiaohong explained the "new responsibilities" and "new appearance" of the Chinese customs in light of the current reality. She also introduced the optimization and adjustment of various business documents and seals after entry-exit inspection quarantine management responsibilities and contingents have been assigned to the customs.

Finally, Deputy Director Dang Xiaohong briefly introduced the "Safe Intelligent Trade Route Pilot Plan". The overall objective of the project is to enhance the security of point-to-point supply chains for trade to prevent terrorism-related or any other types of risks and to provide convenience to trusted enterprises by enhancing multi-level risk management.


In the lecture, there was no vacant seat in the classroom, and the students listened very carefully. After the lecture, the students asked Deputy Director Dang Xiaohong about the contradictions in the allocation of human resources and the functional transformation in the reform of customs clearance integration in the process of integration reform. With her professional theory and rich work experience, Deputy Director Dang Xiaohong patiently and meticulously answered questions and dispel puzzles for the students, which benefited the students greatly.


On May 3, Liang Jincheng, Deputy Director of the General Office of General Administration of Customs, attended the 2018 Annual Forum of our School to gave a speech to MPA students (research direction of customs and international trade). The theme of the lecture is "Deeply studying and implementing the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the CPC and striving to create a new situation in customs work in the new era — earnestly implementing the spirit of the 2018 National Customs Directors Conference". Firstly, the achievements made by the national customs since the 18th National Congress of the CPC were reported. Combining with the 2018 National Customs Directors Conference, he explained the main strategies and tasks of the current customs, including precise and convenient supervision, effectively performing the duties to manage the country's doors, and taking the initiative to serve the "one belt and one way" strategy, the "single window" of international trade, and deepening the nationwide integration reform of customs clearance. Then, Director Liang talked about his thoughts on the reform and development of the new customs, focusing on the positioning and requirements of the new customs with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The new customs will take this institutional reform as an opportunity and strive for new achievements.

Director Liang also shared the working method of FIRST as a leading cadre: how to be a leader in the work, how to be a good person, how to do things and how to be an official. Finally, as an outside supervisor of MPA in our university, Director Liang has participated in the work of dissertation proposal and defense organized by our School for many times, and served as the chairman in dissertation defense. Director Liang shared his own experience in writing and evaluating graduation dissertation that students all care about. He taught the students to write graduation dissertation carefully and to live up to the meticulous cultivation of the Schools and customs.

Dean Fan Libo, Vice Dean Wang Shuwen and some representatives of teachers and students of the School of Public Administration listened to Director Liang's lecture. During the three-hours lecture, Director Liang talked a lot with simple language and profound theories. The students all feel good and interact with him actively, so the atmosphere was quite harmonious.